Change management and deployment of integrated productivity and corporate security solutions for a NYSE listed company.
Deployment of integrated SaaS HR, Finance, Legal and IT solutions to streamline and secure the digital journey of employee lifecycle, authentication and access control, endpoint security and compliance.
- Manual and error prone processes on all key departments
- Siloed corporate information
- recurrent security incidents related to poor employee lifecycle practices
- Thousands of dollars wasted on internal investigations and external audits to ensure the compliance of poorly designed and executed policies
Digitalize the key functions and processes of the corporate architecture. Centralize key data into natural sources of truth, deploy and integrate purpose built platforms, automate processes and their controls, measure results.
- Productivity: Reduction of key department operational processes from days to minutes
- Security & Compliance: Mitigation of wrongful internal data access incidents: from hundreds per year to zero.
- Cost efficiency: 80% reduction in internal and external investigation and audit services costs to meet compliance.
- Tech Due-dilligence
- Market Research
- Solution Architecture